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42 Articles

6 Must-Haves for Every E-Commerce Business

ecommerce website When you want to be everything to everyone, you end up confusing your customers. This stems from a lack of focus, direction, and overall brand identity. This is why choosing a solution with features that are tailored to your needs is important. It should enhance what you already do and help you do it even better. Everyone has different priorities for various business situations. An e-Commerce solution should be an extension of your business; you shouldn’t subject yourself to something cookie cutter when your business is unique. Your e-Commerce solution should have features that help you emphasize your values and what makes your business special, be it your unique brand and design, efficiency in delivery and service, or your awesome product lines and expertise. This blog post will help you make sense of the many features and benefits offered in e-Commerce solutions today. Whatever your business priorities are in e-Commerce, here’s what you need to look for in an ERP (Dynamics NAV Business Central) integrated e-commerce solution. 


The (E-Commerce) Integration Epiphany

Meg Ryan“What happens to me when I’m provoked is that I get tongue-tied and my mind goes blank. Then I spend all night tossing and turning trying to figure out what I should have said.”

Here’s a quote by Kathleen Kelly, Meg Ryan’s character from popular 90’s romantic comedy, You’ve Got Mail. And it perfectly depicts the anxiety caused by the disconnect of what should have happened and what actually happened (or didn’t happen). This can be applied to the integration issue in B2B e-Commerce. 


The One-Time Shopper – How to Keep Them Coming Back

Shopping IncentiveUnderstanding your customer is an important part of e-Commerce success. In tailoring your sales approach, however, there has to be a balance. We need to be flexible enough to accommodate the variety of shoppers that will come across our webshop; we want to attract as many customers as possible. We should also be strict enough in coming up with our content design and messaging. A surefire way to fail is to try and please everybody. Take an honest look at what who the audience is, both existing and potential, and create a compelling content and sales strategy accordingly.

As an e-Commerce solution provider for Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV, we look not only to our clients for inspiration but their end customers. We want to build solutions that work for both. In this article, we’re going to focus on the One Time Shoppers.


The Golf Caddy You Didn’t Know You Needed in E-Commerce

CaddyGolf is a popular activity in the summer. You may not be a professional golfer, but we can get you feeling (and operating!) like a pro where e-Commerce and Dynamics NAV Business Central is concerned. Whether you are just getting into e-Commerce or are looking to upgrade, choosing the right e-Commerce solution for BC/NAV can be a daunting task. The proper relationship between you and your e-Commerce provider is like that of a professional golfer and his caddy; the e-Commerce solution is the golf bag filled with every golf club you could imagine. It is important to acknowledge the huge significance in selecting the right provider and solution so you can get to where you want to go.


The Many Uses of Exclusions in Configurator

coffee exclusions step 2B

Choosing Medium Dark option

When given the chance to do anything you want, it’s possible to feel plagued with indecision and a lack of direction. In an e-Commerce situation, sometimes too much choice and freedom can result in problems. One such outcome is the overwhelmed customer who ends up not buying anything or having a less than ideal shopping experience on your website. Another possible outcome is the dilemma of the “impossible product”. This is where the customer ends up disappointed because their “perfect” product is in fact, impossible and unavailable. A product configurator, especially with the use of exclusions, can create more meaningful e-Commerce experiences for customers.


Investing in your B2B E-Commerce Business

ID-100148194There’s no doubt that popularity is soaring for B2B e-Commerce. There is a perceived simplicity to the concept of taking a business online, though there is actually a lot of finesse involved, such as advanced technologies and real-time integration. It makes sense to jump into the e-Commerce world, but surviving and actually thriving? That’s a different matter.

We should invest, continually, in our online stores. Just because a business is online does not mean it is self-sustaining. From the animated movie “Up”, the old man’s wife describes South America by saying, “It’s like America, but South.”

Well, this is like a regular store, but online.


5 Cost-Related Reasons That Can Result in Cart Abandonment

ID-100138472And what to do about!

This is not an uncommon occurrence in e-Commerce and can be incredibly frustrating for merchants. According to this chart from Statista, there are many reasons behind cart abandonment. Unsurprisingly, a lot of the reasons have to do with cost. Customers abandon their shopping carts because of unexpectedly high costs and extra fees of which they were unaware. The surprise of getting something other than they expected is throwing customers off. We must find new ways to prevent these surprises that can result in the loss of a sale. In this blog post, we’ll go through some strategies, a little psychological trickery, and ways to utilize your features to their full potential in order to mitigate this.


Upgrading Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Nav-to-Net™

upgrading technology for best resultsCustomers are demanding more from their e-Commerce experience. Their preference for a more dynamic and engaging online shopping experience could mean decreased sales for your business if you’re not keeping up. B2B and B2C businesses choose e-Commerce to evolve and to maintain a competitive edge, but it is short-sighted to “set it and forget it”. E-Commerce is an ongoing investment that requires upkeep and maintenance to ensure optimal performance at all times. An e-Commerce platform can be seen as a business’ most hardworking salesperson, present for taking orders 24/7 and with all the appropriate content required to convert prospects into loyal customers.

Having powerful search functions, coupon management, and smooth checkout processes, among other e-Commerce features, add a lot of value to a webshop and make it pleasant to use. However, the overall experience of the website relies on a strong foundation. The core of how an e-Commerce website operates is in NAV Business Central, the unique business processes already in place, and how we can leverage it with the right solution.

Is it time for an upgrade for NAV? If so, what about your Nav-to-Net™ website?


Upgrading Your e-Commerce Solution Now and Your NAV later

business-925900_1920Timing, budget, lack of resources, changes to the company or industry – there are a variety of valid reasons why you may be waiting to upgrade to a newer version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Business Central. There are many compelling reasons and benefits to gain when upgrading NAV and your e-Commerce website, but we can’t assume that every company is in the position to do so. While many consider it good practice to upgrade all in one go, there is an alternative solution that can still help you move forward with your business.

There are constant and consistent technological advancements in ERP and e-Commerce, changing the way we sell and manage our businesses, staff, and resources. It can be a struggle to keep up, but these investments help propel our business forward so we don’t stagnate. It gives a competitive edge. Even the upgrade process is improving, becoming more and more automated, especially with the know-how of NAV experts and a knowledgeable partner community.


Meaningful e-Commerce Experiences Start with ERP Integration

Integrating e-Commerce The e-Commerce experience is made up of a combination of technology, people, process, and interaction. When this is done well, it can drive higher revenues, improve your working culture, and create a loyal customer and partner relationship. What really makes a standout e-Commerce experience, for both customers and business users, is integration. When integration is used as part of your overall business and is at the core of your overall e-Commerce strategy, it helps you create positive change by advancing technology and business processes, and helps to attract and retain customers. Your business will run cohesively, efficiently, and intuitively.