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How Can Multitasking Work For You in E-Commerce?

Choosing the right tool for the right job.

Choosing the right tool for the right job.

Multitasking; we all do it – or at least try to. There just aren’t enough hours in a day. We’re conditioned to believe that the busier we are, the more productive we must be, and therefore more successful. However, the key to making multitasking work for us is to make sure we don’t sacrifice quality for quantity.

How does this help e-Commerce? We can talk about it from 2 different angles.

1) Business Perspective – Managing the many components of your webshop can be tricky.

2) Customer Perspective – Because shoppers multitask, we need to reduce distractions.

As a business, smart multitasking can solve a multitude of problems. It’s about using the right tools for the right job and knowing what our priorities are. For customers, we need to understand how we as shoppers behave in an online space. We multitask all the time – so how can we get our customers to focus? It’s about reducing distractions and optimizing our webshop’s functionality, usability, and aesthetics.