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22 Articles

Brand Storytelling in E-Commerce

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHow to Use Stories Effectively in E-Commerce and the DVP Philosophy

“We humbly recognize that we do not know as much about their business as they do, but we will do our best to deliver our expertise in the areas we know.”

– Michael Kulik, President


No Longer an Elevator Pitch

Storytelling is a huge part of our culture – we as humans communicate through stories and they are a central part in how we naturally engage in conversation. Not only is a story easier to consume, but it resonates deeper and people can create a connection. A story has a point – it has a hero, it has a crisis, it solves problems.

E-Commerce allows for a new narrative to be told. The e-Commerce platforms allows for a variety of formats and mediums, different ways to reach out to customers and appeal to them. This includes images, videos, text, social media, etc. Digital storytelling is still valid – it’s just another form of business communication without it being dry, boring, and unappealing.

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Battling Content Shock with Personalization

Young man buying music on internet with tabletCustomers hold a lot of power in today’s e-Commerce industry. With increased access, including mobile devices, they consume information not only faster but in greater quantities. There is the idea of “content shock” which claims we are bombarded by content and it will overwhelm us to the point of us shutting it out. It has been long thought that the sheer volume of news and information available to the public would cause more harm than good. With time, our behaviours have changed. We learned to adapt to the digital age and instead of feeling overwhelmed, we are empowered by all the information available to us and the many diverse ways we can get it. What we’ve learned is to be selective. It’s much harder to grab and hold our attention. We’ve become ruthless in what we choose to give time and attention to.

This has an impact on the e-Commerce industry. With so much competition vying for the customer’s attention, how can we be the one that they choose to give business? What makes them pick us?