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22 Articles

Configurator Exclusions Make e-Commerce Personalized

Choosing with ConfiguratorRemember those quizzes that would tell you which personality trait you had, what you should try, buy, watch? These quizzes were usually found in magazines as a way to engage readers but they also are popular online. The reason for its popularity, without getting caught up in the psychology of things, is that it ties into our identity and self-awareness while being fun and interactive. A product configurator is able to take elements of those quizzes like personalization, choice, and interaction, and apply it in an e-Commerce environment.


Who Can Use Configurator?

step2Think a product configurator won’t work for your webshop? When you think of configurators, the first that come to mind are probably the popular car configurators or ones where you can design your own T-shirt. But the way it’s set up and the flexibility of features within a configurator actually allow for a lot of creativity. Both B2B and B2C companies can take advantage of a configurator to create unique shopping experiences that delight customers while adding to their bottom line. In this blog post, we’ll challenge you to expand your thinking on what’s possible with a configurator. As an e-Commerce business, we always look for ways to improve and explore ways to leverage our NAV webshops.


Turning Search Results into Selling Opportunities

website searchHow can we make good webshop search great? Good search functions on your e-Commerce website means that customers find what they are looking for quickly and easily. It is efficient in interpreting keywords into relevant search results, and can include auto-complete options or search for item number, name, and description. For example if a customer wanted to find a specific product but couldn’t remember the exact name, they could put in descriptor words to find the item they want. Search functions can also be used to bypass categories if a shopper didn’t feel like they had the time to go that route or just prefer the search bar as their primary approach to online shopping. Having good search alone really improves user experience and it’s become one of the expected features of any e-Commerce website. In today’s business environment, good needs to become great. 


New Partnership Level with Digital Vantage Point

Business Partners NetworkingReferral partners are being added to the Digital Vantage Point flexible partnership program. This is in addition to the sales, implementation, technology, and OEM partners. We’ve listened to feedback and want to make it even easier for our partners to recommend and introduce Nav-to-Net™ to their client base. This also supports our existing partners as we grow our business network and make new connections.


SEO Tips to Improve Your E-Commerce Site

bar-621033_1920Search engine optimization (SEO) is a series of practices that help you rank higher on search engines. There are several factors that work in combination to affect your results. In e-Commerce, we need to keep SEO in mind in order to increase chances of being found by the right customers and standing out from competition. Instead of relying on one magic SEO trick that will instantly propel you to the top, use these tips to help create a strong foundation and effective strategy.


Types of Shoppers – The Researcher

macbook-NTN“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing.” – Wernher von Braun

Researchers show curiosity and sometimes they are not entirely sure what they are looking for. However, this is not to be confused with browsing online. Their research serves a purpose and when the time is right, it will result in a purchase. These shoppers are goal-driven and dedicated. When shopping online, here are some things to keep in mind to cater to this type of e-Commerce shopper.


Can Browsers Become Buyers? – Understanding Shopper Behaviour

Window shopping - BrowsingThese shoppers are “just browsing”. They are the online equivalent to window shoppers at the mall, where they prefer to be left alone to their own devices. They browse for 3 reasons: 1) They don’t want to hear a sales pitch, 2) They want to figure it out themselves, and 3) They really are just looking with no particular goal in mind. What’s important to remember about these shoppers is that while they may not buy this one time they are on your e-Commerce website, or even the next couple times, they have the potential to become customers, and loyal ones at that. We need to understand their attitude of “Browse today, buy later”. 


Feature Customization – MailChimp Integration

ID-10088175With the e-Commerce market quickly expanding, businesses must turn towards digital marketing and find new ways to convey their messages to customers online. Email marketing is a fantastic way to boost your e-Commerce sales and engage with customers. However, organizing customer information, products, statistics, sales numbers, strategies, promotions, coupon codes, and more can be confusing. MailChimp is one of the industry leaders in email marketing. You can set up campaigns targeting specific segments of your customer base (industry, position, interest, customer lifecycle, etc.) and drive traffic to your Nav-to-Net™ website.


Types of Shoppers – Focused on the Mission

Image courtesy of stockimages / FreeDigitalPhotos

Image courtesy of stockimages / FreeDigitalPhotos

This is Part 2 of the Types of Shoppers series. Read Part 1 here – The Bargain Hunter.

Understanding your customer is an important part of e-Commerce success. In tailoring your sales approach, however, there has to be a balance. You should be flexible enough to accommodate the variety of shoppers that will come across your webshop; you want to attract as many customers as possible. You should also be strict enough in coming up with your content design and messaging. A surefire way to fail is to try and please everybody. Take an honest look at who your audience is, both existing and potential, and create your content and sales strategy accordingly.

As an e-Commerce solution provider for Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV, Digital Vantage Point looks not only to our clients for inspiration but their end customers. We want to build solutions that work for both. In this article, we’re going to talk about the focused shopper whose mission is to get what they want, quickly and easily. 


A Bargain Hunter’s Dream – Understanding Your Customers

Bargain HuntingUnderstanding your customer is an important part of e-Commerce success. In tailoring your sales approach, however, there has to be a balance. You should be flexible enough to accommodate the variety of shoppers that will come across your webshop; you want to attract as many customers as possible. You should also be strict enough in coming up with your content design and messaging. A surefire way to fail is to try and please everybody. Take an honest look at what who your audience is, both existing and potential, and create your content and sales strategy accordingly.