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Efficient Product Categorization in B2B e-Commerce Leveraging ERP Integration

Shelters CategoryDon’t underestimate the power of organization. Just like in life where being tidy projects the image of being put together and confident, this applies to e-Commerce. The information architecture of your B2B e-Commerce webstore, essentially your categories and subcategories, helps make it relevant to customers. It succinctly defines what you offer and customers can browse and understand at a glance what they can expect from you. There is more than one way to categorize your e-Commerce website that will achieve that ideal balance of straightforward, helpful, and customer-centric. We need to consider our customers and how they may approach shopping to categorize effectively.

Effective categorization in B2B e-Commerce means staying organized but finding new fresh ways to present your catalog. This is especially useful if you consistently add new products and updates. Inject a little creativity to move older products instead of relying on the standard “Sale” category.