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Content Planning for Responsive Design

Nav-to-Net™ 7 - Laptop and Tablet Responsive Design e-CommerceTaking form and function to the next level, we must pay close attention to content when adopting Responsive Design for our e-Commerce websites.

If you’re considering an e-Commerce website built with Responsive Design, you’re probably in at least one of these situations:

  • You need a mobile-friendly site to stand up to competitors
  • Your current site and/or platform is outdated and you need a redesign
  • You need to push your company forward into the mobile market

Outgrowing your e-Commerce solution can have serious repercussions on your business. Not only do you lag behind your competition, you fail to effectively meet customer needs, business processes become increasingly clumsy, and poor integration will create more problems than it solves. Updating your e-Commerce solution to one that is truly integrated on all levels with your ERP is a step in the right direction.


Keeping Up With Mobile – Google’s New Algorithm Impacts e-Commerce

Nav-to-Net™ 7 MobileOn April 21, Google introduced a new update: a worldwide mobile-friendly algorithm. It impacts our mobile search results, meaning mobile-friendly sites will have the opportunity to rise above their competitors who haven’t invested in a mobile strategy. This new update will affect how e-Commerce websites will be built going forward. Could it be time to upgrade?

With this new algorithm upgrade, Google will review your website and see how mobile-friendly it is. If your website is not particularly suited for mobile, customers will be less likely to stumble across your company on their phones. Let’s say you sell touchscreen coffee tables. Potential customer Bob Plufferton is interested in purchasing one and need to do research. He’s a tech-savvy fellow and he types the search words into his smartphone. However, when your website is not mobile-friendly, your competitors’ websites rank higher. Bob is now perusing their webshop instead of yours. Imagine how many potential customers you are inadvertently missing.

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Is Responsive Design a Worthy Investment for E-Commerce?

Is newer always better? Is this new e-Commerce trend worth investing in?

Viewports of Nav-to-Net™ Responsive Design

Viewports of Nav-to-Net™ Responsive Design

Responsive Design is one of the e-Commerce trends that has been gaining considerable traction. As of now, it’s not a standard feature that comes with every  e-Commerce website, but it’s something that comes up when deciding which e-Commerce solution is right and what features it should have. This piece is to help companies evaluating whether responsive design is a good way to consolidate their multi-screen web strategy.