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Easy Wins for the New Year in e-Commerce

ID-100404329With the new year, we feel renewed energy, vigour, and ready to tackle new and exciting projects head on and do all the things we didn’t end up doing last year. But this feeling is short-lived, as we can tell from the already dwindling numbers at the gym. We get it – it’s hard to maintain that level of enthusiasm. Getting back to work after the holidays means getting back into a routine – catching up on emails, customers, partners, dealers, updating processes, and more. But January doesn’t have to be the month of big things but of simplifying instead. Completing lots of little things can be more satisfying and more impactful overall in your e-Commerce business.


New Solutions for a New Year

NAV upgrade eBookA new year brings new opportunities. As we usher in 2015, we know that you’re likely to have resolutions, plans, and the desire to improve. In the fast-paced e-Commerce industry, we know that technologies are always changing, trends emerge, and your business landscape is advancing. We need to assess if our e-Commerce and/or business management needs have changed. Things are different since you probably first implemented your NAV solution and it could be time for an upgrade.

You may think that this looks familiar, and it is. We’ve promoted this eBook before. But we think that with the upcoming year and fresh beginnings, there is no better time to rethink your strategy. Give this eBook a read before you upgrade to NAV 2015.