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5 Articles

Delighting the Customer vs Decreasing Problems in B2B eCommerce

Shopping OnlineAs individuals or businesses, we all look to improve. In e-Commerce, this could mean making business processes more efficient or improving customer experience in various ways, from simplifying product search to providing even more relevant information. However, sometimes efforts to improve could be taken for granted by the customer; the more above and beyond customer expectations we go, the more it becomes the new standard. While improving by adding more features and options to the online shopping experience to meet high expectations is something we should always do, decreasing problems may have a bigger and longer lasting impact.


Streamline B2B Sales with an Effective B2B Web Portal

ID-100233979Introducing online ordering methods makes perfect sense for companies managing business to business (B2B) sales. Making the change from using telephone or email ordering processes may seem a little uncomfortable, particularly if B2B customers are accustomed with using these channels. However, the flexibility and benefits of online ordering will soon prove an advantage for all users. Customers welcome a better way of managing orders and the increased visibility a B2B web portal would give.

All Nav-to-Net™ B2B user accounts display live inventory, offer customer-specific pricing, and deploy a secure and fail-safe method of managing orders. Online B2B ordering will help companies to grow and scale to meet increasing customer needs.


New Solutions for a New Year

NAV upgrade eBookA new year brings new opportunities. As we usher in 2015, we know that you’re likely to have resolutions, plans, and the desire to improve. In the fast-paced e-Commerce industry, we know that technologies are always changing, trends emerge, and your business landscape is advancing. We need to assess if our e-Commerce and/or business management needs have changed. Things are different since you probably first implemented your NAV solution and it could be time for an upgrade.

You may think that this looks familiar, and it is. We’ve promoted this eBook before. But we think that with the upcoming year and fresh beginnings, there is no better time to rethink your strategy. Give this eBook a read before you upgrade to NAV 2015.


A Wish List for E-Commerce

celebration-22105_1280Christmas season is upon us and we love how everyone is getting festive! The beautiful lights, cheery decorations, cozy comfort food, and the promise of a magical evening come Christmas Eve. We thought we’d join in with the holiday spirit and come up with some holiday-themed blog posts.

A Wish List for E-Commerce

‘Tis the holiday season and we think it’s safe to say that almost everyone is making a list. Shopping lists, grocery lists, extensive to-do lists, wish lists, you name it. As we reach the year’s end, it seems like everything is much more hectic. The hustle and bustle of the season is usually prefaced with the best intentions and we think that it’s time we brought back a little focus to the things that really matter. We’ve created a little wish list for e-Commerce that aligns with some of our holiday wishes.


How Can Multitasking Work For You in E-Commerce?

Choosing the right tool for the right job.

Choosing the right tool for the right job.

Multitasking; we all do it – or at least try to. There just aren’t enough hours in a day. We’re conditioned to believe that the busier we are, the more productive we must be, and therefore more successful. However, the key to making multitasking work for us is to make sure we don’t sacrifice quality for quantity.

How does this help e-Commerce? We can talk about it from 2 different angles.

1) Business Perspective – Managing the many components of your webshop can be tricky.

2) Customer Perspective – Because shoppers multitask, we need to reduce distractions.

As a business, smart multitasking can solve a multitude of problems. It’s about using the right tools for the right job and knowing what our priorities are. For customers, we need to understand how we as shoppers behave in an online space. We multitask all the time – so how can we get our customers to focus? It’s about reducing distractions and optimizing our webshop’s functionality, usability, and aesthetics.