Battling Content Shock with Personalization

Young man buying music on internet with tabletCustomers hold a lot of power in today’s e-Commerce industry. With increased access, including mobile devices, they consume information not only faster but in greater quantities. There is the idea of “content shock” which claims we are bombarded by content and it will overwhelm us to the point of us shutting it out. It has been long thought that the sheer volume of news and information available to the public would cause more harm than good. With time, our behaviours have changed. We learned to adapt to the digital age and instead of feeling overwhelmed, we are empowered by all the information available to us and the many diverse ways we can get it. What we’ve learned is to be selective. It’s much harder to grab and hold our attention. We’ve become ruthless in what we choose to give time and attention to.

This has an impact on the e-Commerce industry. With so much competition vying for the customer’s attention, how can we be the one that they choose to give business? What makes them pick us?


Enhancing the Customer Experience

Teen using credit card and laptopTechnology has changed so many aspects of our lives, from how we consume information to how businesses are run. While it generally makes our lives faster and easier, when it fails us, it can be a huge headache. This impacts the e-Commerce industry in particular. What happens if orders don’t get through? Are customers getting the information they need? What if you lose the sale and they don’t come back? These are all very real dangers should technology break and fail us. There is the expectation of reliability and ease with online shopping. Customer experience should always be a positive one lest they abandon your site in favour of your competitors.

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Effective Selling For Your Webshop

Selling Like Humans on E-Commerce

Online Shopping

In today’s unpredictable economy, businesses are scrambling to reach their sales targets. We all want more business but not at our expense. This is especially true for e-Commerce businesses because even with the millions of potential online shopping patrons, it’s becoming difficult to get business from them.

The main question is: How do we get more sales?


Risk vs. Reward

ID-100165262Shopping for an e-Commerce solution for a business can be a daunting task. With so many factors to consider, we wonder if we’re making the right choice. This is no cheap endeavour so the question that weighs heavily on many minds is: Is the risk worth the reward?

We can’t answer this question for your specific business but let us try and put things into perspective based on our own experiences. We’ve met with many clients to discuss their business needs. We scope and make assessments, and chat with them to see what their goals are, what they want, and what we can give them based on this information.


Work Smarter, Not Harder – Multi-Line Text Box Tool

Multi-Line Textbox v3If you’re anything like me, HTML coding is not your forte. Maybe you have some basic skills and Google can help. Perhaps you’re actually really tech-savvy and coding is your language.

Whether or not you’re a tech whiz, the general belief is that simpler is better.

If you could spend less time worrying about the HTML coding and data, you would be so much more productive. You could be analyzing the data or working on a better sales strategy. You could be focusing on social media efforts or your email marketing campaign. You could be coming up with new products or exciting new promotions. Think of all the possibilities!


Be “The Special”: Lessons from The LEGO® Movie

iStock_000021403929SmallI recently saw The LEGO® movie and really enjoyed it. It was a fun film, great for kids but also chock full of lessons for adults. Awash with nostalgia, laugh-out-loud moments, pointedly but well-done satire, and some great life lessons, I left the movie feeling very happy and satisfied.

But later, some of the lessons in the movie got me thinking about e-Commerce.

Spoilers alert in what follows, obviously.