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3 Articles

Item Pages Deserve Attention

Item 3From the time shoppers arrive on your site, we want them to be attracted to the homepage and be enticed to explore. From there, they can learn more about what we offer, add things to their cart, purchase, and become long term customers. A lot of time and effort is spent on tweaking and perfecting the homepage. This is understandable because it’s usually the first thing customers see. However, what actually leads to the sale is the item page; this is where customers learn about the product and choose to purchase. A blend of several factors makes up inspiring product pages, including the use of images, compelling content, reviews, and overall usability.


Increasing Mobile Conversion for B2B e-Commerce

ID-100152529Customer conversion is an ongoing challenge for e-Commerce merchant, but what happens when you enter mobile commerce to the mix? It makes the issue more complex. While customers are increasingly turning to mobile for their shopping needs and more companies are making their websites mobile-friendly, it does not always result in a sale from that particular device. As a solution, it’s easy to say you need to go responsive for your webshop. Responsive Design allows you to maintain consistency throughout multiple platforms so you can be where your customers are and remain competitive. But it’s important to understand customer behaviour and trends regarding e-Commerce and mobile  and how it can affect overall impression and experience of your website.


Can Browsers Become Buyers? – Understanding Shopper Behaviour

Window shopping - BrowsingThese shoppers are “just browsing”. They are the online equivalent to window shoppers at the mall, where they prefer to be left alone to their own devices. They browse for 3 reasons: 1) They don’t want to hear a sales pitch, 2) They want to figure it out themselves, and 3) They really are just looking with no particular goal in mind. What’s important to remember about these shoppers is that while they may not buy this one time they are on your e-Commerce website, or even the next couple times, they have the potential to become customers, and loyal ones at that. We need to understand their attitude of “Browse today, buy later”.