Increasing Mobile Conversion for B2B e-Commerce

ID-100152529Customer conversion is an ongoing challenge for e-Commerce merchant, but what happens when you enter mobile commerce to the mix? It makes the issue more complex. While customers are increasingly turning to mobile for their shopping needs and more companies are making their websites mobile-friendly, it does not always result in a sale from that particular device. As a solution, it’s easy to say you need to go responsive for your webshop. Responsive Design allows you to maintain consistency throughout multiple platforms so you can be where your customers are and remain competitive. But it’s important to understand customer behaviour and trends regarding e-Commerce and mobile  and how it can affect overall impression and experience of your website.

What are the changes we’re seeing with mobile commerce?

  • More Capable Devices – Before, the concern was with the small screens and how to show off the entire website. While mobile and tablet screens are still smaller than a desktop, they are getting bigger and bigger. Compare the iPhone 3 to the iPhone 7 or consider the Samsung Galaxy Note phones. There’s more real estate with these “phablets” (phone + tablet). Along with the size, these devices are massively increasing their functionalities.
  • More Access – With bigger phones on the market and boasting incredible technology at your fingertips, they’re in more and more of your customers’ pockets. Customers are getting better phones and also have increased access to the internet and therefore e-Commerce from their devices. We’re lucky to be in an age where free WiFi is common and mobile plans are recognizing the need to meet our voracious consumption of data.
  • More expectations – With better phones and better access to e-Commerce comes higher demands and expectations. As we become more tech-savvy and realize things that were once impossible are now possible, we want more. There is always room to improve. There is always something better around the corner.

Keeping those changes in mind regarding our customers and technology, we can use that to our advantage in adapting our business to suit the new landscape.

What does it mean for your B2B e-Commerce site?

B2B buying decisions are usually a result of long-term planning, information gathering, the opinions of many people within the organization, and perhaps even a relationship built over time with a sales representative. This differs depending on your business and industry, but it’s generally accepted that your customers aren’t making impulse buys. Purchases are well thought out, in large volumes, or it’s a huge investment and pricey purchase. Online quotes, coupons (customer discount pricing), and online bill payments are good things to have for a B2B web portal. Responsive Design allows us to take this vital business functionality to every platform, giving both your business and customers flexibility and increase mobile conversion.

In addition, managing future purchases through company wish lists makes things easier for customers when it can be done on the go. For your sales team and account managers, having the ability to access the B2B web portal can give them better efficiency and flexibility when it comes to making sales. This is especially true for your team members out in the field visiting client sites or working from home for example.

More than Responsive Design

We recognize that Responsive Design is a necessity these days for e-Commerce where the website adapts to the screen size, no matter the device being used. Especially for those in B2B, it’s about providing the important and relevant information in an easy to read format and allow customers to access it no matter where they are. By going responsive for your e-Commerce website, you encourage customers to use it more often and increases the chance of conversion. By being responsive, you’re leveraging your e-Commerce solution and NAV. With even greater usability and reliability throughout all platforms, you can do more with less and empower your customers to do the same.

For more information on B2B solutions, NAV integration, or Responsive Design, please talk to us!

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