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The Many Uses of Exclusions in Configurator

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Choosing Medium Dark option

When given the chance to do anything you want, it’s possible to feel plagued with indecision and a lack of direction. In an e-Commerce situation, sometimes too much choice and freedom can result in problems. One such outcome is the overwhelmed customer who ends up not buying anything or having a less than ideal shopping experience on your website. Another possible outcome is the dilemma of the “impossible product”. This is where the customer ends up disappointed because their “perfect” product is in fact, impossible and unavailable. A product configurator, especially with the use of exclusions, can create more meaningful e-Commerce experiences for customers.


Delighting the Customer vs Decreasing Problems in B2B eCommerce

Shopping OnlineAs individuals or businesses, we all look to improve. In e-Commerce, this could mean making business processes more efficient or improving customer experience in various ways, from simplifying product search to providing even more relevant information. However, sometimes efforts to improve could be taken for granted by the customer; the more above and beyond customer expectations we go, the more it becomes the new standard. While improving by adding more features and options to the online shopping experience to meet high expectations is something we should always do, decreasing problems may have a bigger and longer lasting impact.


Turning Search Results into Selling Opportunities

website searchHow can we make good webshop search great? Good search functions on your e-Commerce website means that customers find what they are looking for quickly and easily. It is efficient in interpreting keywords into relevant search results, and can include auto-complete options or search for item number, name, and description. For example if a customer wanted to find a specific product but couldn’t remember the exact name, they could put in descriptor words to find the item they want. Search functions can also be used to bypass categories if a shopper didn’t feel like they had the time to go that route or just prefer the search bar as their primary approach to online shopping. Having good search alone really improves user experience and it’s become one of the expected features of any e-Commerce website. In today’s business environment, good needs to become great. 


See Configurator in Action

The customer journey on an e-Commerce website, from awareness to purchase, can be complex. There are several key moments and interactions that can influence a shopper to buy. Sometimes when there is too much information available, it is easy to lose focus which may result in a diminished shopping experience and loss of sale.

A product configurator can greatly improve the buying experience, whether in B2B (manufacturing and engineering  for example) or B2C (like a customized fashion piece). Configurators are useful in streamlining the buying process, from individual personalization of items to tailoring to unique business needs. Product configurators also seek to educate and inform buyers through a series of steps and questions; it presents relevant product information, upsells, and through the use of exclusions, helps show customers what is available or not depending on their previous selections.