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13 Articles

The One-Time Shopper – How to Keep Them Coming Back

Shopping IncentiveUnderstanding your customer is an important part of e-Commerce success. In tailoring your sales approach, however, there has to be a balance. We need to be flexible enough to accommodate the variety of shoppers that will come across our webshop; we want to attract as many customers as possible. We should also be strict enough in coming up with our content design and messaging. A surefire way to fail is to try and please everybody. Take an honest look at what who the audience is, both existing and potential, and create a compelling content and sales strategy accordingly.

As an e-Commerce solution provider for Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV, we look not only to our clients for inspiration but their end customers. We want to build solutions that work for both. In this article, we’re going to focus on the One Time Shoppers.


Investing in your B2B E-Commerce Business

ID-100148194There’s no doubt that popularity is soaring for B2B e-Commerce. There is a perceived simplicity to the concept of taking a business online, though there is actually a lot of finesse involved, such as advanced technologies and real-time integration. It makes sense to jump into the e-Commerce world, but surviving and actually thriving? That’s a different matter.

We should invest, continually, in our online stores. Just because a business is online does not mean it is self-sustaining. From the animated movie “Up”, the old man’s wife describes South America by saying, “It’s like America, but South.”

Well, this is like a regular store, but online.


Types of Shoppers – The Researcher

macbook-NTN“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing.” – Wernher von Braun

Researchers show curiosity and sometimes they are not entirely sure what they are looking for. However, this is not to be confused with browsing online. Their research serves a purpose and when the time is right, it will result in a purchase. These shoppers are goal-driven and dedicated. When shopping online, here are some things to keep in mind to cater to this type of e-Commerce shopper.


E-Commerce Solutions for the Retail Industry

Retail Industry - Shopping Meet customer demands and provide pleasant online shopping experiences

If you’re in the merchandising and retail industry, we recognize that you have one of the more common e-Commerce business models. To succeed in the e-Commerce industry, we need to recognize the nuances and subtle things that make your business unique and leverage them with the right solution.


Can Browsers Become Buyers? – Understanding Shopper Behaviour

Window shopping - BrowsingThese shoppers are “just browsing”. They are the online equivalent to window shoppers at the mall, where they prefer to be left alone to their own devices. They browse for 3 reasons: 1) They don’t want to hear a sales pitch, 2) They want to figure it out themselves, and 3) They really are just looking with no particular goal in mind. What’s important to remember about these shoppers is that while they may not buy this one time they are on your e-Commerce website, or even the next couple times, they have the potential to become customers, and loyal ones at that. We need to understand their attitude of “Browse today, buy later”. 


One-Step Ease vs. Multi-Step Tradition – Checkout Portals in E-Commerce

iStock_000020455916XLargeThere is some debate as to which is the most effective checkout process. Is it better to adhere to convention of the multi-step? More and more e-Commerce websites are adopting a single-page website for its clean and simple feel. Let’s discuss the options and compare.

Read checkout-related blog posts here and here.

One step checkout is one of the features offered with Nav-to-Net™. All in one page, we can review our order, see all the calculations, enter customer information like billing and shipping information, and even add additional comments if needed. Then the second page confirms the order. With one step checkout, the process is as quick and hassle-free as possible. This generally has a higher success rate than a multi-step checkout process. It almost gives the impression of being a VIP, where everything is faster and easier, and can help instill customer loyalty.


Is Responsive Design a Worthy Investment for E-Commerce?

Is newer always better? Is this new e-Commerce trend worth investing in?

Viewports of Nav-to-Net™ Responsive Design

Viewports of Nav-to-Net™ Responsive Design

Responsive Design is one of the e-Commerce trends that has been gaining considerable traction. As of now, it’s not a standard feature that comes with every  e-Commerce website, but it’s something that comes up when deciding which e-Commerce solution is right and what features it should have. This piece is to help companies evaluating whether responsive design is a good way to consolidate their multi-screen web strategy.


Extras That Make a Difference

Hand putting check mark with green markerHow to Add Value to your E-Commerce Website

We’ve talked about how integration is the core to a successful e-Commerce solution before in The Integration Epiphany and PIVOT – E-Commerce Lessons from a Friends Episode. It’s the bare minimum of what we need to run a secure webshop, smoothly and efficiently. Information on the back-end is synchronized and shows up on the front-end with proper integration.

But now that we’ve got the basics in place, let’s talk about the rest of the features. While integration is extremely important to do well, good integration alone does not make a successful webshop.


Battling Content Shock with Personalization

Young man buying music on internet with tabletCustomers hold a lot of power in today’s e-Commerce industry. With increased access, including mobile devices, they consume information not only faster but in greater quantities. There is the idea of “content shock” which claims we are bombarded by content and it will overwhelm us to the point of us shutting it out. It has been long thought that the sheer volume of news and information available to the public would cause more harm than good. With time, our behaviours have changed. We learned to adapt to the digital age and instead of feeling overwhelmed, we are empowered by all the information available to us and the many diverse ways we can get it. What we’ve learned is to be selective. It’s much harder to grab and hold our attention. We’ve become ruthless in what we choose to give time and attention to.

This has an impact on the e-Commerce industry. With so much competition vying for the customer’s attention, how can we be the one that they choose to give business? What makes them pick us?