One-Step Ease vs. Multi-Step Tradition – Checkout Portals in E-Commerce

iStock_000020455916XLargeThere is some debate as to which is the most effective checkout process. Is it better to adhere to convention of the multi-step? More and more e-Commerce websites are adopting a single-page website for its clean and simple feel. Let’s discuss the options and compare.

Read checkout-related blog posts here and here.

One step checkout is one of the features offered with Nav-to-Net™. All in one page, we can review our order, see all the calculations, enter customer information like billing and shipping information, and even add additional comments if needed. Then the second page confirms the order. With one step checkout, the process is as quick and hassle-free as possible. This generally has a higher success rate than a multi-step checkout process. It almost gives the impression of being a VIP, where everything is faster and easier, and can help instill customer loyalty.

Customers can be impatient; if our checkout process is not optimized, we could lose them. This can be especially baffling for businesses that seem to get lots of traffic but not nearly enough sales. If we work so hard at making your website amazing, we can’t forget about the last step and follow through! It’s also worth nothing that the less you ask of customers, the more likely they are to make a purchase. They’re not giving up time or too much information, just what is necessary. It shows that we respect their time.

One Step Checkout in Nav-to-Net™

One Step Checkout in Nav-to-Net™

Nav-to-Net™ also offers the more traditional multi-step, 4 step checkout, if that is your preference. This process is logical and has a sense of assurance, that yes, this is what you really want, and we’re going through the actions right now. It takes a little longer and may deter some customers, but if they want what they want and are determined, having these steps in place help solidify that feeling. However, there are more cons than pros in general because there are more steps than customers are willing to go through. They may think, “Is this worth it? Doesn’t this company value my time?”

Step 1 of Checkout (Multi-step) in Nav-to-Net™

Step 1 of Checkout (Multi-step) in Nav-to-Net™

So which do you choose?

Consider A/B testing the checkout options and monitoring the results. It depends on your business and what is more appropriate or expected. Some customers will appreciate the one step, but others might be overwhelmed by the numbers of fields all on one page. When you split it up into pages and steps, it’s more manageable to some. In the end, it’s impractical to try to do one-size-fits-all for everyone; it’s about finding options that suit your audience and specific customers.

Explore options galore available with Nav-to-Net™: Product Brochure | Feature Guide

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  1. Let Me Count the Ways We Can Pay… | Digital Vantage Point Blog
    […] posts about checkout portals in e-Commerce. Read about usability, guest vs. customer account, and one-step vs. multi-step checkout. We will talk about payment methods and order processing in this blog […]

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