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Is e-fulfillment’s need for speed creating a drag on your business?

e-Commerce customer satisfaction

Racing to deliver the goods could put you on the fast track to sales tax nexus 
Repost from Avalara.com

The Internet has vastly changed the way products move from buyer to seller. One-click ordering. Get it now. Two-day free delivery. The speed and ease of e-Commerce and mobile commerce cover a lot of ground in terms of getting products into customers’ hands quickly. But it’s also rattling the supply chain; putting pressure on merchants, manufacturers, and distributors to deliver the goods, so to speak. DHL, one of the nation’s largest third-party logistics firm, reports that e-fulfillment now represents a third of the company’s business.


Investing in your B2B E-Commerce Business

ID-100148194There’s no doubt that popularity is soaring for B2B e-Commerce. There is a perceived simplicity to the concept of taking a business online, though there is actually a lot of finesse involved, such as advanced technologies and real-time integration. It makes sense to jump into the e-Commerce world, but surviving and actually thriving? That’s a different matter.

We should invest, continually, in our online stores. Just because a business is online does not mean it is self-sustaining. From the animated movie “Up”, the old man’s wife describes South America by saying, “It’s like America, but South.”

Well, this is like a regular store, but online.


A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place

Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV-Related Concerns and How it Affects E-Commerce

organized area

Organization makes sense of things.

As a company that deals exclusively with Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV (formerly Navision) and e-Commerce, we strive to understand our customer’s concerns and struggles so we can address them with our solution. Managing a successful e-Commerce website depends on several factors. We talked about web content management, including files and images in a previous post which you can read here. That blog post primarily deals with the storage of files and information and how to format it easily. In this article, we’ll talk about organizing your product catalog into categories.


When there’s a place for everything and everything is in its place, you can operate much more effectively and efficiently.



Multiple Applications for a Product Configurator for MS Dynamics NAV

step2 Configurator automotiveConfigurator is an add-on that can make a lot of sense for your e-Commerce website. Learn more about what Product Configurator does and the benefits you can gain. This blog post will address some practical applications to give you some inspiration.

We know that you understand your business and your industry on a deep level. We also realize that you need to have specific modifications to your webshop to meet those needs. A webshop solution that is open to these customizations will run more efficiently and will be able to anticipate growth and expansion much easier. Whatever your situation, we’ll try our darndest to make it work for you and your company.

Here are some ways you can make Nav-to-Net™ Configurator work for you:


Upgrading Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Nav-to-Net™

upgrading technology for best resultsCustomers are demanding more from their e-Commerce experience. Their preference for a more dynamic and engaging online shopping experience could mean decreased sales for your business if you’re not keeping up. B2B and B2C businesses choose e-Commerce to evolve and to maintain a competitive edge, but it is short-sighted to “set it and forget it”. E-Commerce is an ongoing investment that requires upkeep and maintenance to ensure optimal performance at all times. An e-Commerce platform can be seen as a business’ most hardworking salesperson, present for taking orders 24/7 and with all the appropriate content required to convert prospects into loyal customers.

Having powerful search functions, coupon management, and smooth checkout processes, among other e-Commerce features, add a lot of value to a webshop and make it pleasant to use. However, the overall experience of the website relies on a strong foundation. The core of how an e-Commerce website operates is in NAV Business Central, the unique business processes already in place, and how we can leverage it with the right solution.

Is it time for an upgrade for NAV? If so, what about your Nav-to-Net™ website?


Intelligent Advanced Search Mechanisms in B2B E-Commerce Add Value and Enhance Customer Experience

Intelligent Search Mechanisms Add Value and Enhance Customer Experience for MS Dynamics NAV Integrated E-Commerce

Parametric Search (grid)You have a lot of products available on your webshop. To those familiar with your site and business, or those more patient browser-type shoppers, looking for what they want is easy.

But that’s not everyone.

While your product may not be for everyone, you don’t want to deter potential buyers. At the very least, your homepage should be easy to navigate and people should know within the first couple seconds what it is your company offers. Another step that you can take to enhance your webshop and ultimately convert more shoppers is having a good site search function.

At Digital Vantage Point, one of our key search mechanisms is Parametric Search.


Going International – Is Your B2B E-Commerce Solution Ready?

global ecommerceGlobalization is an on-going challenge for businesses in international markets and e-Commerce adds another layer of complexity and more factors to consider. There is increased reach with the digitalization of the shopping experience, but customers still expect a consistent, though not identical, experience no matter where they are in the world and no matter what device they use. Adapting to different cultures, audiences, trends, local currencies, and holidays takes some finesse, experience, and technical expertise to pull it off gracefully and seamlessly.


Types of Shoppers – The Researcher

macbook-NTN“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing.” – Wernher von Braun

Researchers show curiosity and sometimes they are not entirely sure what they are looking for. However, this is not to be confused with browsing online. Their research serves a purpose and when the time is right, it will result in a purchase. These shoppers are goal-driven and dedicated. When shopping online, here are some things to keep in mind to cater to this type of e-Commerce shopper.


Sticky Solutions Deliver Value – How Can You Benefit?

committed business partnershipsWhat does it mean to be sticky and why is it important? Building partner and customer relationships can be a challenge when technology, business needs, and priorities are constantly subject to change. In this post, we’ll discuss why sticky solutions are valuable in more ways than one, for both partners and customers.