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Standing Out in a Saturated E-Commerce Market

StandoutStanding out by bringing your business online is not enough; it used to be that being online gave you the leg up. But with technology advancing at such a fast pace, the e-Commerce market is becoming more saturated with more competition than ever. The benefits of being online are clear and everyone wants in. Now the challenge is to stand out by excelling in the industry where a lot of the competition is neck and neck – it comes down to what differentiates you as a company (your unique sales proposition, your target, your strong points) and how you convey that in your e-Commerce site.

Having an e-commerce website doesn’t mean it’s its own entity – it’s an extension of your brand and company. It should also be an extension of your ERP (like Microsoft Dynamics Business Central NAV). Here are some ways you can stand out with an integrated webshop solution.


Build It and They Will Come…or Will They?

ID-100195305Did you know that “Build it and they will come” is one of the most misquoted movie lines?

This quote is from the movie “Field of Dreams” and should actually be: “If you build it, he will come”. This quote is often used to describe a certain mentality regarding dreams and achieving an incredible feat. It’s an approach that says “if we create this one really great thing, good things will automatically follow.” Instead of building baseball diamonds in a cornfield, however, we’re building webshops.

In e-Commerce, there is sometimes a set-it-and-forget-it notion where building a website to sell stuff is good enough. Just get it done and watch the customers roll in with credit cards in hand.

This could not be farther from the truth.


Content Planning for Responsive Design

Nav-to-Net™ 7 - Laptop and Tablet Responsive Design e-CommerceTaking form and function to the next level, we must pay close attention to content when adopting Responsive Design for our e-Commerce websites.

If you’re considering an e-Commerce website built with Responsive Design, you’re probably in at least one of these situations:

  • You need a mobile-friendly site to stand up to competitors
  • Your current site and/or platform is outdated and you need a redesign
  • You need to push your company forward into the mobile market

Outgrowing your e-Commerce solution can have serious repercussions on your business. Not only do you lag behind your competition, you fail to effectively meet customer needs, business processes become increasingly clumsy, and poor integration will create more problems than it solves. Updating your e-Commerce solution to one that is truly integrated on all levels with your ERP is a step in the right direction.


Types of Shoppers – Focused on the Mission

Image courtesy of stockimages / FreeDigitalPhotos

Image courtesy of stockimages / FreeDigitalPhotos

This is Part 2 of the Types of Shoppers series. Read Part 1 here – The Bargain Hunter.

Understanding your customer is an important part of e-Commerce success. In tailoring your sales approach, however, there has to be a balance. You should be flexible enough to accommodate the variety of shoppers that will come across your webshop; you want to attract as many customers as possible. You should also be strict enough in coming up with your content design and messaging. A surefire way to fail is to try and please everybody. Take an honest look at who your audience is, both existing and potential, and create your content and sales strategy accordingly.

As an e-Commerce solution provider for Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV, Digital Vantage Point looks not only to our clients for inspiration but their end customers. We want to build solutions that work for both. In this article, we’re going to talk about the focused shopper whose mission is to get what they want, quickly and easily. 


Customer Experience: Look and Feel of a Webshop

NTN7 Homepage Banner 2This is part 3 of our Enhancing the Customer Experience Blog Series.

You can read Part 1 and Part 2.

Customer experience is an important part of increasing our e-Commerce sales, but there are many different components to it. There are several ways to approach it and many best practices concerned with providing customers with a positive experience on your webshop. We’ve written blog posts on how to enhance the customer experience of your webshop to help increase sales, covering topics from navigation, personalization, and profile selling. This blog post will focus on the look and feel of the webshop as an important facet of the customer experience.


Brand Storytelling in E-Commerce

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHow to Use Stories Effectively in E-Commerce and the DVP Philosophy

“We humbly recognize that we do not know as much about their business as they do, but we will do our best to deliver our expertise in the areas we know.”

– Michael Kulik, President


No Longer an Elevator Pitch

Storytelling is a huge part of our culture – we as humans communicate through stories and they are a central part in how we naturally engage in conversation. Not only is a story easier to consume, but it resonates deeper and people can create a connection. A story has a point – it has a hero, it has a crisis, it solves problems.

E-Commerce allows for a new narrative to be told. The e-Commerce platforms allows for a variety of formats and mediums, different ways to reach out to customers and appeal to them. This includes images, videos, text, social media, etc. Digital storytelling is still valid – it’s just another form of business communication without it being dry, boring, and unappealing.

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Selling E-Commerce as a Partner

Great bargainAt Digital Vantage Point, we are committed to delivering e-Commerce solutions built exclusively for Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV. In order to sell to the mid-sized companies using NAV, we take advantage of our extensive business partner community. Being a partner of Digital Vantage Point has many benefits; if you would like to become a partner or read more about it, click here.

With any aspect of e-Commerce, we need to consistently add to our skills repertoire in order to achieve marketing success and increase sales. We have to research to find different resources to help us achieve our goal. At Digital Vantage Point, we aim to provide these resources for you so you can succeed and make the most of your investment.

And of course, we want to provide the same resources to any partners, or potential partners, who sell e-Commerce solutions.


Battling Content Shock with Personalization

Young man buying music on internet with tabletCustomers hold a lot of power in today’s e-Commerce industry. With increased access, including mobile devices, they consume information not only faster but in greater quantities. There is the idea of “content shock” which claims we are bombarded by content and it will overwhelm us to the point of us shutting it out. It has been long thought that the sheer volume of news and information available to the public would cause more harm than good. With time, our behaviours have changed. We learned to adapt to the digital age and instead of feeling overwhelmed, we are empowered by all the information available to us and the many diverse ways we can get it. What we’ve learned is to be selective. It’s much harder to grab and hold our attention. We’ve become ruthless in what we choose to give time and attention to.

This has an impact on the e-Commerce industry. With so much competition vying for the customer’s attention, how can we be the one that they choose to give business? What makes them pick us?