Selling E-Commerce as a Partner

Great bargainAt Digital Vantage Point, we are committed to delivering e-Commerce solutions built exclusively for Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV. In order to sell to the mid-sized companies using NAV, we take advantage of our extensive business partner community. Being a partner of Digital Vantage Point has many benefits; if you would like to become a partner or read more about it, click here.

With any aspect of e-Commerce, we need to consistently add to our skills repertoire in order to achieve marketing success and increase sales. We have to research to find different resources to help us achieve our goal. At Digital Vantage Point, we aim to provide these resources for you so you can succeed and make the most of your investment.

And of course, we want to provide the same resources to any partners, or potential partners, who sell e-Commerce solutions.

Here are some things to consider:

1) Know your stuff.

This should go without saying, really. Don’t be caught unaware. Always be one or two steps ahead of the customer. Do your research. Know the product/service inside and out, not just the features, but the benefits as well. Know what makes the product remarkable. We should also know our competition as well as our clients and customers. It also doesn’t hurt to know the environment/situation.

Knowing is only half the battle; how we use what we know is equally as important.

There are “loopholes” in human engagement and relationships regarding business and sales. When the traditional way doesn’t work, come at it from a different angle. No one customer is the same, in the way they consume information, make decisions, or interact with businesses. We should be able to adapt our sales technique on the fly.

2) Know your options.

With knowing our stuff comes knowing our options. We should know and carefully weigh all options available to us. The goal is to get the best for the client, because if we benefit them, we will benefit our own company. We need to go for win-win situations.

When we understand and provide different options for customers, it can lead to desired action. We can approach this from different angles; we can utilize e-mail newsletters, relevant promotions, social media, and whatever tactic we can think of.

3) Don’t lose the human element.

Just because we work in the e-Commerce industry where almost everything is digital and technology-based does not mean we have to lose that human element. We are used to thinking in terms of B2B or B2C, when really they are essentially human-to-human relationships. Our approach should be friendly and we need to communicate like humans, not robots. Think about customers: what do they respond to? What makes them want to buy something? When selling, the F.A.B. approach can help us keep that human element. F.A.B. stands for Features, Advantages, and Benefits. Know the Features, what Advantages the customer could stand to gain, and ultimately, what are the Benefits to them and their business.

It’s also worth thinking about implementing some sort of social marketing strategy. The name itself, “social marketing”, suggests we’re tapping into the human element of business. Social media can also affect your bottom line positively. Think about integrating social media into your sales and marketing plans. Participating on the right social media platforms can increase reach and brand awareness, strengthen customer relationships, provide marketing insights, and support customer decisions. It doesn’t necessarily replace the human touch of a phone call or meeting face to face, but it’s useful in your arsenal of tools in order to built trust and have open communications with your customers.

4) Look good.

People put a lot of emphasis on looking good. While no one should judge a book by its cover, wouldn’t it be great if the outsides matched the fantastic insides? When selling an e-Commerce platform, the technology and architecture is very important, but so is appealing to a customer’s needs when it comes to look and feel. The webshop should be like a well-made, tailored, and stylish suit. In e-Commerce design, this means something tailored to their needs and being stylish with a fresh and modern look. It can make a huge difference in terms of looking professional. And just like we wouldn’t want to wear the same suit all the time, we should think about ways we can change the design from time to time. Having the ability to tweak it here and there to refresh the look or completely redesign it is a huge selling point.

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