Feature Customization – MailChimp Integration

ID-10088175With the e-Commerce market quickly expanding, businesses must turn towards digital marketing and find new ways to convey their messages to customers online. Email marketing is a fantastic way to boost your e-Commerce sales and engage with customers. However, organizing customer information, products, statistics, sales numbers, strategies, promotions, coupon codes, and more can be confusing. MailChimp is one of the industry leaders in email marketing. You can set up campaigns targeting specific segments of your customer base (industry, position, interest, customer lifecycle, etc.) and drive traffic to your Nav-to-Net™ website.

One of our customers asked if we could integrate the two so they could further leverage their Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV. We like that our customers see the benefit of having everything connected and incorporated into one easy to use system.

At Digital Vantage Point, we encourage collaboration to help make Nav-to-Net™ even more powerful and tailored to customer needs.

The MailChimp API can be seamlessly integrated into Nav-to-Net™, allowing you to discover the full potential and efficacy of your email marketing campaigns. Nav-to-Net™ is able to track all the data you collect when you run campaigns, including information about the user’s shopping cart when they check out. You can directly track campaign emails to e-Commerce sales, capturing nearly all the data you need from Nav-to-Net™ and correlating it to your email campaign. All that information is securely stored within Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV so you can continue to refine your marketing messages and sales strategy. This integration is a valuable tool allowing you to quantify the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

If you aren’t using email marketing, here are some ways you can start incorporating it into your online marketing strategy.

1) Sales and Promotions. This is the most obvious but has to be said. Let your customers know about seasonal sales and promotions you have going on. You can even take it a step further and use a newsletter to remind them of upcoming events and sales to look forward to. Not everyone behaves spontaneously and leaps on every coupon code you throw at them. Give your customers the option to act now or to plan for their purchase down the line. Remember to update your website to showcase your sales, enticing new and existing customers alike.

2) Build Anticipation. For products that are still in the planning/development/testing stages but coming really soon, you want to generate as much buzz as possible. Send out emails alerting your customer base, or elite VIP customers, to the coming of your super cool product. It’s also a good strategy to get people to sign up for newsletters so they can be the first to know. Think of it like the teaser trailer for a much anticipated movie. Share tidbits of information to get the crowd going and launch your brand-new product with a bang!

3) Exclusive Offers. To your very VIP elite customers, these emails will inspire loyalty. Reward your best customers with special coupon codes, invitations to events, and much more. This is one of the best ways to use email marketing to stay engaged with your customers and show that you care.

Learn more about Nav-to-Net™ and what other feature customizations we’ve done.

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